Greetings!  I’m just a guy who likes things and stuff.  I’m a I.T. professional by day, and photographer/ digital artist when the planets align for it. 



I’m currently avoiding the outside as much as possible due to the pandemic.  Spending time with my love, Jacqueline, and our small army of pets (3 dogs, 2 cats, and a tortoise).

Hey, Look!  Friends!

A pirate friend, who’s got a very impressive ‘stache.


Who’s responsible for this?

While there are many people to blame for my existence and the state it’s in, I think I’d have to point to these people who had the most influence in my life.


Sedona, AZ

SanDiego, CA

Yaquina Head, OR

Mogollon Rim, AZ


Besides music, I’m a fan of:


The Expanse series (S.A. Corey)

The Bobiverse series (Dennis E. Taylor)

The Riyria series’ (Michael J. Sullivan)

The Carls series (Hank Green)

Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)

The Fault in our Stars (John Green)

The Martian (Andy Weir)

The Belgariad & Mallorion (David & Leigh Eddings)

Kingkiller Chronicle series (Patrick Rothfuss)

Dawn of Wonder (Jonathan Renshaw)

Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman (Richard Feynman)

Harry Potter

Enders Game



The Expanse

The West Wing

Avatar the Last Airbender


Star Trek (DS9, TNG, Voyager,TOS)

The Wire

Battlestar Galactica


Cowboy Bebop

The Booth at the End

Ink Master


South Park




Ocean’s 11

Shawshank Redemption

Lord of the Rings

The Matrix

Fight Club

Office Space


Good Will Hunting

Citizen X

The Princess Bride





The Crossmen Drum & Bugle Corps is a participating member of Drum Corps International (DCI).  A drum and bugle corps is a musical marching unit consisting of instrumentalists playing brass and percussion instruments, and a choreographed color guard.   The corps tours the country performing in competitions across North America.  If you are unfamiliar with the activity, it is really worth the effort of finding a local performance.  There is nothing else quite like a live drum corps show.




The Crossmen Drum & Bugle Corps was a large part of my Young Adult life.

Performing with the Crossmen Drum & Bugle Corps for 4 years was one of the best experiences of my young adult life.  I met so many wonderful and talented people, toured the country, and performed to audiences big and small.